We’ve all heard it a million times . . . cardio, strength, and stretching are essential for overall health and wellness. As golfers, good health and wellness can also help us on the golf course. It’s not a question of should you exercise between rounds but rather what exercise works best for you.

First, let’s review why exercise if so important. Exercise helps us control weight and reduce the risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other syndromes. Let’s not forget it makes our bones and muscles stronger, reduces the risk for some cancers, and increases our chances of living longer. Plus, exercise just makes us feel better.

But I know I don’t need to convince anyone of the benefits, because, as golfers, we’re already out there, active on the course. Let’s investigate some great complementary workouts that can help bring down our scores and make us feel better all around.

Basic Cardio

Whether you run, walk, or cycle, building up cardiovascular endurance gives you more stamina on the course. Plus, you don’t have to pay gym fees when you’re hoofing it around your neighborhood. You can go solo and listen to your favorite podcast, or head out with a friend. You could even extend the golf season and do winter walking session with your foursome.

Another option? Sign up for a charity run or walk (from a 5k to a marathon). Make a difference, make new friends (I met my husband doing this, just sayin’), and get super fit training for a worthy cause.

Become a Gym Rat

If you’re the type of person who prefers fitness classes or working out at a gym, you’re in luck. Gyms around the country are catering to the demand for fitness options. You can hit the equipment by yourself, get help from one of the gym’s trainers or sign up for their spin, bootcamp, or other fitness classes.

“New School” Gyms

Let’s say the words “gym membership” scare you, because all you can picture if working out next to a guy named Big Al wearing purple camo Zumbas (Who else out there remembers the 90’s?). Thankfully, things have changed.

Enter the boutique studio, devoted to exactly the type of workout you’re into. There are a plethora of different studios, all offering their own varieties of cardio, strength, and stretching. Try googling “boutique fitness studios” for options in your area—whichever you choose, the combination of cardio, strength, and stretching will benefit your overall health and golf game!


From deep, intense stretching (yin yoga) to intense power yoga, or yoga sculpt classes, don’t forget that yoga is an excellent activity to get your body, mind, and spirit tuned up for golf and life.

As you plan your time in-between rounds (and perhaps in-between golf seasons, depending on where you live), remember that fitness and golf go hand-in-hand. Just like the “put your air mask on first” when you’re on an airplane, health and fitness should be a top priority because if we’re not feeling our best—physically and mentally—our golf games will suffer. Getting on track with your fitness is a great way to make yourself a stronger golfer and healthier person!

A win-win in the game of golf and the game of life!