
You’re about to take your first golf lesson. How exciting! You might feel a bit nervous or anxious, but that’s very normal. 

Here are a few tips to help you feel ready for your upcoming golf session. 

  1. Check for a welcome email from your professional or don’t hesitate to touch base the day beforehand with any questions.
  2. Know where to meet. Some instruction meets at a golf shop, teaching building, range, or different location in the golf facility.
  3. Don’t forget to bring water, sun protection (hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, long sleeves/bottoms, sun sleeves), reading glasses (if needed), and a little notepad and writing utensil.  Some professional will send notes, write notes on-site, or use another digital platform to send notes in a coaching feed.
  4. Inquire about the dress code. Some facilities may or may not allow various types of attire (athletic wear, length of bottoms, tucked-in or not tucked-in, jeans, sweatpants, or tank tops). Golf shoes with soft spikes or spikeless bottoms are great, but tennis shoes/sneakers are fine as well. If cooler, dress in layers that you can remove if you get warm or add if you get cold.
  5. Inquire about payment. Depending on the facility set-up, payment might be through a member charge if at a private club (and you’re a guest) or might be credit card, or cash. It always helps to check out the payment process and acceptable forms.
  6. Arrival time. It’s better to be early than late, so allow for enough time to find the facility and meeting location. Your professional might have another lesson immediately after yours and won’t be able to stay later if you happen to be running late.
  7. It’s also a good idea to do some stretching while you wait. Golf is athletic, so stretching out your neck, shoulders, back, forearms, hips and especially hamstrings is a really good idea. Remember to pay attention to areas that need special attention due to tightness or injury. Prepare yourself to make it easier and more enjoyable.
  8. Golf questionnaire. You might be asked to fill out some information about your golf background, future goals, physical injuries or limitations, career (ergonomics for posture), use of eyeglasses (bi/tri focals?), other sports or hobbies, current golf challenges, and other questions. 


Enjoy your experience and the journey to playing golf!