I’m a pretty independent person. I run alone, explore cities solo, and have no qualms about dining alone in a restaurant (provided I’ve got my phone or something to read).  I even travel solo – regularly.  Now, my independent tendencies don’t mean I don’t want to be with my husband (he’s awesome and we hang out all the time) or that I don’t have any friends (I’ve got my people). I simply dig doing things on my own sometimes.

However, up until this past September, I hadn’t considered golfing by myself.  To me, solo golf was for “that random guy” who appears out of nowhere and threatens to disrupt your round. Your options are to ask him to join you or wait for him to play through. Luckily, nine times out of ten, Speed Racer will tee off and be out of sight before you reach the next tee box.

But then I went to Mallorca on a press trip and was the only one in my group covering golf.  I was psyched to play the beautiful Golf Alcanada, one of Mallorca’s most prestigious and beautiful courses. But, I was a bit nervous too, because I didn’t want to screw up in front of the pro or whoever I was playing with.

Well, as it turned out, I didn’t have to worry. The pro had set me up with clubs, a cart, and beverages and told me to enjoy my round – solo. I was surprised initially, but then breathed a sigh of relief.  Playing by myself meant I could relax and focus on my game, the beauty around me (hello, ocean view!), and the nuances of the course without having to worry about impressing anyone (or screwing up!).

Not only was this one of the best courses I’ve played, the round changed my mind about solo golf. Now I want to tell everyone I know to try it.  (And also go to Mallorca for golf.)


Here’s why you might want to consider solo golf:

  1. Solo play means the pressure is officially… OFF.

Do you ever get tee-box jitters? Well, in solo golf, NOBODY’S WATCHING! So, take a breath, relax, and hit your ball. If it’s a bad shot, no sweat. Just regroup and get on with it. If it’s a good shot, well, the bummer is that nobody can see how awesome you are… but at least you’ll get a vote of confidence that you actually do know what you’re doing out there.  Plus, having no audience for the good and bad shots is a great reminder that… we’re the only ones who truly care about where our balls go.  Sure, we console or congratulate our fellow players after they hit, but then we go back to thinking about our own games. We don’t think about our teammates’ shots and they don’t think about ours. Remember that important truth.

  1. Solo play means you can try your hand at speed golf… or not.

We’re all busy, and sometimes squeezing in two plus hours for golf just isn’t going to cut it.  If you go out solo, you don’t have to wait for members of your foursome to hit their shots or search for lost balls. This will shave off a significant amount of time for your round, leaving you able to get on and off the course in record time. Heck, you might be able to do it so quickly that your family thinks you’re at the grocery store. (Not a bad cover, btw.) A solo round allows you to take your time and play as fast or slow as you want.  So go ahead, give speed golf a shot. Or, take your time and really give each shot some serious thought.  It’s up to you.

  1. Solo play means time to experiment and practice.

Remember, nobody is watching or waiting, so there’s no excuse for rushing. You can be thoughtful with each shot, and you’ve got a bit of time to experiment. Go ahead and try that new five hybrid. Do you want to finally get a handle on reading the green and becoming a better putter? Well, solo play lets you repeat the putt you completely messed up. (Within reason, though – you don’t want a foursome breathing down your neck as you turn #6 into a practice green.) Give that new chipping technique you saw on Instagram a try. Maybe even play it again on your phone and then try it.

  1. Solo play means you can focus on your game. Or your life. Or that problem that’s been swirling in your head.

In other words, since there’s no one to talk to, you’re left to your own thoughts. Which can obviously be a scary place, but also a wonderful place. You can focus entirely on each shot, and in between… ponder life. The distraction-free setting of the golf course helps you get in the zone and do some deep thinking.

  1. Solo play means time for spontaneity.

Don’t feel like playing that par five? THEN DON’T PLAY IT. Got extra time on a par three and want to practice putting?  Have at it, Sunshine. Your invisible playing mates won’t say a word. Need time to text your boss while you’re walking to the next hole? Go right ahead.

  1. If you’re not always up for conversation, solo play might be for you.

It’s great to talk to fellow golfers and make valuable connections on the course. But sometimes, maybe you just want some quiet time? If this is the case,  a solo round is the perfect chance to be one with your golf game and your thoughts. The only one you have to talk to is yourself. So breathe a sigh of relief and cherish the silence.

  1. Solo play is a great way to take a load off.

Left to your own devices with nothing to do but work on your game and be alone with your thoughts… is there anything better than a solo round? You can forget all the stress off the course and focus on the fact that you’re playing golf and alone, with no one to report to. With fresh air, beautiful surroundings, and time away from your job/family/stressors, solo play is better than a day at the spa!

  1. Solo play means exercise and fresh air.

Kill two birds with one stone as you check “exercise and fresh air” off your daily wellness list. If you’re walking versus taking a cart, you can score even more exercise points with some serious steps. Plus, the fresh air helps you relieve stress, feel better, and improve your general outlook. And it beats a crowded gym any day.

  1. Solo play today… Solo travel tomorrow?

Last but not least… When you decide you’re comfortable playing a solo round, you remind yourself that the sky’s the limit when it comes to venturing out on your own. Maybe that means a solo trip to your dream destination.  A weekend at the spa with Numero Uno. Or, heading to your favorite bar or restaurant, post-round and extending the date with yourself a bit longer.  Plus, as a solo golfer you sound kind of badass when you tell the guys you don’t mind getting out there alone. It’s great proof that whether it comes to golf, travel, or life… you got this!

So, go ahead and make a tee time for One! Enjoy your round and the peace and quiet!