FD23 LOGO - #InviteHER

How it Works

Sign Up

Sign up using the form below to register your interest in hosting an #inviteHER Experience.

Check Your Email

You will receive a welcome email, explaining more information on how to host one of our sample event curriculums and you will also have access to a marketing and social media toolkit to help promote your events.

Host Your Event

Using one—or all!—of the sample lesson plans and accompanying marketing materials, host your event, and see how we’ve made it easy to turn curious golfers on to all of the great benefits golf can offer. LPGA Professionals will receive 2 LPGA Service Units per event, with a maximum of 6 per year.

Let Us Know How It Went

At the end of the golf season, you will receive a follow-up email survey, where you can tell us all about the success of your program and share the stories of your participants.

#InviteHER: LPGA Pros Form