As much as we love the game of golf, the truth is, sometimes the game is just not that fun. Dare I say… sometimes a round can feel like torture for several reasons:

  • Mother Nature. It’s too cold or too hot. Or rainy with gale-force winds. Heck, it could be snowing. Weather extremes and golf are not a winning combo. 
  • Attire. The only thing worse than wearing clothes that are wrong for the conditions is wearing clothes that are wrong for you. I’m talking about the annoying bra strap, the shoes that are too small, or the ill-fitting shorts. Or what about the coffee stain you got on the way to the company outing? Wardrobe malfunctions don’t make us better golfers. Neither does golfing in an outfit you hate. Not sure about you, but a bad outfit certainly doesn’t help my game.
  • Physical condition. Let’s say you’re a bit under the weather. It can be a long round when you’ve got allergies, stomach issues, or injuries. It’s also hard to play when you’re downright exhausted or stressed out because of your life off the course. In most cases, feeling bad doesn’t lead to golfing well. 
  • People. As much as we try not to let others get to us, annoying people can make for a long round. Maybe it’s a slow foursome ahead of you or some yahoos breathing down your neck. Perhaps someone in your foursome stresses you out. Outside forces can turn your game into a pressure cooker.
  • Your game STINKS. There’s no pretty way to say it. Some rounds simply don’t go well. You know what I’m talking about. You can’t hit to save your life, your putting is atrocious, and each shot takes you down a darker hole. It can be impossible to snap out of it when our game is no bueno.

While the above scenarios can make a round feel like a walking torture chamber, we can survive with good planning and some helpful mental and physical tools:

    • When I say “proper clothing,” I refer to clothes appropriate for the golf course. You don’t have to break the bank, but I guarantee you’ll feel more like a golfer if you dress like one. Whatever you choose, make sure it feels good and fits.
    • Also, dress for the weather. If rain is predicted… bring a rain jacket. If it’s cold, bring a sweater. Make sure your socks aren’t annoying, and don’t forget to pack your golf shoes or hat. You’re not eight; you know the drill. Missing one critical item can throw things off. 
    • Carry dry clothes/alternate outfits in your car since the weather can change at the drop of a dime. Extra duds ensure you’re ready for anything.
    • I’m not saying to stuff your bag so full that you can’t lift it; just be prepared. Check that your clubs are in order and clean. Throw a few essentials in your bag – such as contact solution. Bug spray. Suntan lotion. Advil. Tampons. Most courses I’ve golfed at don’t have a Walgreens between holes, so keep a few emergency items on hand.
    • Umbrella – because who wants to get wet?
    • Balls, tees, a glove, and ball markers may seem like obvious items to check unless you do what I did and find yourself on hole #1 with one ball for 18 holes. It didn’t make me feel like I was one with my game.
  3. CART GIRL! 
    • Let’s be clear – I’m not promoting heavy drinking, but a beverage sure can help sometimes. Pick your poison – a brew,  something stronger, or maybe just an ice-cold Coke or water. Hydrating helps.
    • Speaking of replenishing… if you know your course’s selection of chips, etc., isn’t going to cut it, BYO snacks. I always carry extras, just in case. Nobody likes a hangry golfer.
    • As a golfing yogi, I’ve found that mantras come in handy. Feel free to adopt some of mine: Driving rain cleanses my soul.  Slow foursomes remind me to stop and smell the flowers. I don’t hate those golfers behind me. I haven’t lost feeling in my toes. Whatever the dilemma, there’s a mantra for it.
    • If mantras aren’t your thing, remember that it’s only a round of golf – not a life sentence. Play the “Where would I rather be?” game in your head and golf your way to a happy place.

Finally, it helps to remember that bad rounds are inevitable in golf and life. So it helps to keep things in perspective and maintain a sense of humor when things don’t go your way. And remember, just when you think your game is in the tank,  you might hit an amazing drive, chip in the hole, or get a hole-in-one. 

That’s the beauty of golf… and life – it’s a balance of ups and downs, and we’ve got the tools to tackle them…especially if we’re golfers.