Let me start by stating that I’m not a psychologist, doctor, nail professional, or golf pro. I’m a lifelong golfer who can hold my own among the best of them. But my game remains a work in progress.  

However, I have discovered a trick that almost always guarantees I’ll have a semi-decent round. In fact, I’ve had some of the best scores of my life when I do this.

Does it involve a putting technique? Swing adjustment? Something with my grip? 

No. Nope. And no, but you’re close. 

The trick? Arrive at the course with freshly manicured nails.

And when I say nails, I’m talking mani/pedi – because we need to be balanced, right? 

Now, I haven’t gone so far as to get really precise and compare scorecards of great nail days versus meh nail days or even consider if a classic pink is better than a bold red. But I know that I feel good when my nails feel good.

And that good feeling translates into how I’m playing. We all know that golf is as much a mental game as it is physical, so doesn’t it make sense that when we feel good about ourselves, it shows on the course? 

Okay, I get it. Maybe you’re not a nail person. This theory can be applied in a number of ways on the course. Below are some ideas for looking and feeling your best without picking a color or lifting a finger. 

Wardrobe: I don’t know about you, but if I’m not comfortable or confident in my clothes, everything feels just a bit off. I’ve golfed rounds where I hated (strong but accurate word) the shirt I was wearing. As much as I tried to tell myself it didn’t matter, it actually did. I just didn’t feel good in my own skin (or rather, my shirt), and my score reflected it.  So, take my advice and get some outfits you feel great in. I like to say, great outfit, great round. 

Feet: Okay, I admit it. I’m a shoe person. Based on the above, this is shocking, I know. Call me crazy, but when I’m looking down and staring at the ball for 2-4 hours, I think it helps when I see cool shoes. And beyond cool shoes, it helps if those shoes fit well, are waterproof, and are accompanied by (cute) golf socks that stay up and don’t causes issues. Nothing ruins a round like a blister.

Hands: Well, of course, be sure they’re manicured to your level of satisfaction. But let’s also talk gloves. Remember that a golf glove gets a lot of wear and tear, and wet conditions can really zap the life out of it. So, replace as needed. Plus, if you’re golfing where it gets chilly, having a second glove to keep your other hand warm also doesn’t hurt.  

Bag: Believe it or not, your bag (and its contents) can affect how you feel and play. Again, no scientific proof, but consider these two scenarios: Scenario #1 – You show up at the course with a bag that contains muddy clubs (your last round ended in a downpour), a half-eaten bag of Ruffles in the pocket. You learn on the first green that you left your putter at home after a living room putting lesson. Scenario #2: You’ve cleaned your clubs and put them back in the bag in an organized way. (See this video for an example.) The bottom line? An organized bag with clean clubs helps set the foundation for a smoother round. 

All of these things, when put together, go a long way in helping create a nice base for our games. And while, yes, a bad golf shirt or dirty pair of golf shoes shouldn’t really affect how we play, they might affect how we feel. If we can do everything possible to arrive at the course feeling our absolute best, we’re at least getting things started off on the right foot. And if that foot happens to be sporting a lovely summer pink, well, isn’t that just the icing on the cake? 

If you’re unsure of any of the above-mentioned theories, I invite you to test them. Ask your golfing pals to meet you at the nail salon, maybe do a little online shopping for some new outfits, and then set up a time to meet at the course to see how you play. Worst case scenario? No effect on your score… but at least you’ve had a great time testing these theories with your peeps. 

And your nails look amazing. 

Pick your color, hit ’em straight, and most of all, enjoy your rounds!